Examples of how this statement is manifesting in
our day-to-day work

To offer broader understanding about how this statement is being implemented, here are some recent examples of how this statement and MOFGA’s ongoing commitment is manifesting in our day-to-day work:

  • We commit to land acknowledgements in our public events and have incorporated land acknowledgement language that all staff can use into our organization’s style guide.
  • Our staff participated in the 21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge and facilitated a discussion for farmers participating in the challenge.
  • We are working on a three-year grant to offer training to agricultural services providers and organizations on diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • We offer free event registration for BIPOC and other marginalized community members to reduce barriers to MOFGA’s educational programming.
  • MOFGA hosts events and discussions led by BIPOC community members and centers the work being done by BIPOC-led businesses and organizations in those discussions.

 If you have any questions, want to provide feedback or would like to see a more detailed version of this statement including direct action steps related to the outlined goals, please email [email protected].

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